Does your music department look more like an empty classroom? RESTORE THE MUSIC Grant Awards offer restricted funding for school music departments with the aim of enabling access to music for every child. We focus on equality AND equity: All grant awards are bespoke to each school and applications are expected to reflect the cultural references and interests of their demographic. We restore the music OF the school and its pupils and do not favour cultural appreciation of any particular sort.
Schools offering music as part of a carousel curriculum model are NOT eligible to apply.
Funding for tuition fees may NOT be included in the grant proposal.
Deadline for PGA submissions 10th Feb 2025 5PM
Notification of next round and interviews 17th - 28th Feb 2025
Release of Formal Invitations to submit grant application 3rd March 2025
Deadline for submission of grant applications 17th March 2025
Official Public Release of Funding Round Results 27th March 2025
Please note:
Schools offering music as part of a carousel curriculum model are NOT eligible to apply.
Funding for tuition fees may NOT be included in the grant proposal.
We deliver funding to non-fee-paying primary and secondary schools with the aim of giving every child access to musical instruments and tuition. The grant awards are one-off sums and schools must submit a Pre Assessment Form before being considered for an application. There’s a maximum allocation of £10,000 for primary schools and £20,000 for secondaries. We always encourage schools to apply for the maximum amount, and every application is carefully considered by the RTM UK Board of Trustees.
Please note:
Schools offering music as part of a carousel curriculum model are NOT eligible to apply.
Funding for tuition fees may NOT be included in the grant proposal.
Priority is given to schools in greatest need. You’ll need to meet the following criteria:
• You’re a non-fee-paying primary or secondary.
• The school has been established for a minimum of 3 years.
• Below average provision of musical instruments and tuition.
• Above average Free School Meals and Pupil Premium percentage.
• Secure storage space for the musical instruments and equipment.
We’re concentrating on schools in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Newcastle for now.
Please note:
Schools offering music as part of a carousel curriculum model are NOT eligible to apply.
Funding for tuition fees may NOT be included in the grant proposal.
Step 1: Complete our Pre-Grant Assessment form online and submit. A downloadable version of the PreGrant Assessment form is available below. The actual form must be submitted online.
Step 2: Once we’ve been through the assessments, we’ll contact eligible schools for a meeting with your Head of Music and Principal of the school. We’ll talk through the current music provision and education in your school, and how you want to grow it with our funding.
Step 3: The third stage is to submit the grant proposal – this is by invitation only. You will officially apply for specific funding, outlining what you’ll use it for, and what outcomes you expect.
Please note:
Schools offering music as part of a carousel curriculum model are NOT eligible to apply.
Funding for tuition fees may NOT be included in the grant proposal.
All our assessment forms must be filled out online.
Pre Grant Assessment Forms will only be accepted during a live funding round. To apply, please keep an eye on the website where all details of the next funding round will be announced.
• Click here to complete our online form →
• Click here to complete our online form →
• Click here to download the form →
• Click here to view the outline and guidelines of this grant →
• Click here to download the form →
£1,600,000 delivered so far!
£600,000 delivered so far!
Don’t just take the money and run! Once a grantee always a grantee: as one of the RTM family we invite you to attend all events and participate in our community wide discussions and CPD. In addition, you may be eligible for further funding awards such as the Music Tech Grant which is not available to first time applicants. Stay in touch or miss out!
“The growth and interest in music since we revamped the department is unbelievable! The difference the equipment and resources make! The department is now ‘THE PLACE TO BE'. We are truly indebted to Restore the Music”